what do u do when ur design blocked?

Posted 2 months, 9 days ago by sunpurr

my brain rn is a single tumbleweed bouncing around the Nothingness. i need tips. save me :(


I've been feeling design blocked recently so I found a base of like 200 or 500 or something tiny pixel cats on CS and have been doing tiny quick designs with random color palettes! It forces me to think and work with less, and I end up actually making 2 or 3 at a time and it sparks the brain juices!

ooo i love this idea, tysm !!!

• Make some reverse, 180°, designs of already existing characters.

• use picrews, can use option random, and then try to redraw character but reduce all the unwanted, overwhelming traits

• emoji challenge

• find people who make cool designs you like and draw stuff from them. Your inner library of design traits will expand. There's ton of amazing designers here on toyhouse :)

• go through websites with second hand clothes and combine them together; even if it's not perfect, it's creative B)

To sum up, try different things. The more blizzare they are, the better. Some new things, some incidents, some weird combinations can inspire you. It's highly possible you won't like all of them, but it's something you might need. Just go crazy, have fun, expand inner library :)💕💕

super fun ideas, thank you!! :D

Use moodboards!! Or use palettes

Also totally didn’t think you meant your design was blocked as in a character that was your design and you couldn’t view em 

moodboards my beloved...

also dfkhdkjf oops

Redrawing a really old OC might help!

ooo i might give this a go!! thank you!

okay tip 1 FIND MOODBOARDS. then design whatever and i mean WHATEVER comes to mind. second tip is try to draw fanart of characters!! third tip study something you dont know how to draw and draw the heck out of it

tysm for the tips aaaa!!