I aint gonna lie /rant

Posted 2 months, 13 days ago by IdiotScout

Dawg... Yall ima be fr. It's cool if you're interested in other cultures and languages but it makes me so frustrated when you choose to ONLY consume media FROM THAT LANGUAGE, like do what you want but ig it just bothers me if like, your entire personality becomes wanting to study/learn/indulge in a singular culture or language that isn't your nativity. Again DO WHAT YOU WANT!! i dont care, as long as like, every time we interact you don't use that as your only dialogue point and stuff because I:

A: probably dont know the language/culture

B: cannot be bothered to try to understand what you're saying if you dont translate it (ie, "hallo!! Wie geht's? Hey!! How are you?")

C: am not interested/too tired right now

D: all of the above

Seriously!! Do whatever makes you happy, but please jus leave me out of it if its the literal only thing you're gonna consume :(( it makes me really upset (you are not responsible for my emotional state which is why I ask if you are like this, leave me be)

This is NOT directed toward anyone on TH!!! Its actually directed at someone ik irl 😭


HONESTLYYY. This is one of the most annoying things. Like I’m learning Alaskan Athabaskan but you don’t see me ONLY talking about it. AUGH. 

I havent seen yku talk about it at all 😭 but thats so cool omg 🦐🦐

I keep it down los bc nobody actually knows it LMFAOO, but thank you

oh boy they sound exhausting D:

who talks to people in a language they know they don't know??

Its just a bit frustrating :((