AshStar04's Official TOS

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago by AshStar04

Hello! I figured it's time to make a TOS. Nothing too serious, just some general guidelines to follow!

1.) Please don't steal, trace, or repost my art without express permission. Theft and tracing will lead to an immediate blacklist.

2.) When dealing with cash, please make payments within 24 hours unless a hold period is discussed and approved with me. Breaking this rule will cause any art deal to be voided, whether it be a commission or an adopt.

3.) In general, please be timely with all deals, particularly when it comes to accepted offers and generally with communication. I'm more than happy to wait and consider hold periods or offer re-configurations if needed, but no communication or lack of it as well as a lack of timeliness is a personal pet peeve. If I feel that my time is not being respected, then I hold every right to call off a deal.

4.) You are absolutely welcome to redesign any designs you own from me, but please do not purchase for the sole sake of redesign, and especially not redesign to profit. I would also appreciate any major changes to be discussed with me (i.g.: changing species, so on).

5.) When dealing with closed species: ALWAYS check and read the TOS of the species we are dealing in, ESPECIALLY those in which I am a part of staff (Designer/Trial Event Team for Lumythew, Trial Banker for Kulpera, and Lore Master and Co-Owner of Whispirits).

6.) In general, just be nice! If you're nice and communicate with me, expect the favor to he returned. 

Updated: May 14th, 2024. Section 3 added, staff positions in Section 5 changed.


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