doing free traditional sketches :D!

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by TheOtterMan

im waiting for my phone to charge so i can work on commissions   and i need to get back into traditional art cause i start school next week and need to get used to it ( cause i doodle alot)

so im doing free sketches cause im enjoying doodling right now ! :D

it can go from  a headshot to a full depends on how i vibe with your character 

feel free to link a character under 

( will also be doing a post but my mutuals,friends, followers are  my priority  💖 )


That sounds totally fireee psofibhdfb idk who to choose so ill post a few lol

honestly anyone from my mains but im lookin for art of these guys mostly

 i drew sydney :)!!   i will send a photo later once my phone is charged.

No rush at all!! Psfbhf thank you so much