Is this weird?

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by TheUndeadFox

So it was pointed out to me (and I'm aware I swear jgjggj) that I have a lot of male ocs. Um and it's kinda got me like..not on edge but like thinking "omg is this weird??"

So I'm sure this is just a matter of opinion, I don't think it's weird personally (I hope not) But if anyone has some insight, or just general comments/ideas/ honestly anything to say about this I would love to know!

..Please lmk if this is weird- TwT


No??? I don't see the issue with it. 

When I make my characters, I don't go "ok I have to make sure they are x" it's just something that pops up while I'm drawing them, if that makes any sense? Heck, a lot of my feline characters are fluffy, but that's mainly because it's something I lean into without realizing sometimes. 

Your characters, your story. Have fun!

I think I kinda do that too!! :0 (It literally just automatically pops in my head if that makes sense) 

I mostly have women/feminine presenting characters, so i doubt ur weird 😅

Screw it, we'll make our characters whatever we want! >:Dc


People will naturally have a bias to make certain types of ocs, it's normal. Like someone else said, it depends on intent and if it's being done on purpose, which you aren't doing.

Thanks, I really appreciate it! I just think it was good to get some feedback on this because I didn't know if people felt uncomfy about it or something >_< 

personally, i dont think its weird unless someone is doing it purposefully(depending on intent), which i dont believe you are, so no!

Thank you Jack ^^ I'm probably just overthinking it and yeah I agree it probably is if it's done intentionally..! (Which I really didn't notice much until recently jfjfjfjj) 

no? I don’t think it’s weird. 

Alrrrr I was worried idk why 😔