CHARM QUESTIONS (mainly for buyers)

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by prophetei

For my current charm buyers and perhaps future buyers. I am considering raising the prices of my charms as 1. Fees are .. scary and I’m barely making any profit and 2. The shipping is getting bad here and there’s a high chance of being charged $5-$15 just to ship out one keychain. I might find ways around it but I’m not too sure

The current price of my charms are $16.. What do you guys think would be a reasonable price to raise to? Ignoring the shipping stuff. The options honestly are raise prices or make the charms 2.5 inches and raise only a little bit. Or if there’s any other options y’all can think of?

If anyone has experience or tips for shipping within/out of Canada.. hmu. 


raising prices seems like the best solution and i am all here for it and will continue to support u :3

Thank you my vro…

I've paid somewhere between $35-$60 for a custom arcylic keychain (+ shipping on top which is like. $15 to my country usually), so I'd say something in that range would be a fair price :0

Thank you for the help! I really appreciate 🥺