Im. So close.

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by IdiotScout


To givi g up lmao


Wtf happened? I'm confused 😭 do I need to beat someone up?

Its better off just leaving them alone. 

Well. You deserve better. It was THEIR choice of accepting

Thank you.

automatically blacklisted

lol that's the best design they've ever received. /srs 

are you kidding me?? they've never seen anyone put love into their work before the little stupid chipmunk

He will now be staying in my Toyhouse, being loved and cared for. Nobody will ever hurt Craig again. 

hell yeah

ew wtf,,
people are awful jesus h christ you do NOT deserve that


that's rude who said that???? bro wtf.

Lmao my ass is literally in tears but what does it matter ig. 


i think your stuff is genuinely cool, fuck that person who put that description on there

no reason for them to be rude when they get a design, cmon

offers a hug, it matters to me dude. im exploding that person

They deleted the page not even a minute after writing that. Lmao thank you for that though


jackass behavior ngl. shoulda outed em cus that's block/report worthy ngl cus forums don't take that

Oh fr? Forums dont allow that?? BET. Ill brb. 

1 Replies