ENTIRE TH up for offers!

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by fangs-of-wolf

Hi guys! as the title says, I'm taking offers on my entire toyhou.se. I could really use the money and don't mind letting go of characters even if they mean a lot to me - so please, do not let that (or any tags on their profile) hold you back from offering!

The only characters I will absolutely say no to are Nevio, Aden and the "Vanguard: Vega" folder in Timerunners. Everyone else can be offered on.

Highly prefer money offers - please reply here or in dms if you're interested! Thank you so much for considering it❤️

I will look into any offers, including low money offers or holds.



Hey! How much would you be asking for either of these?



Ouhhh that's such a difficult question T~T Vaporeon is very new so I'm definitely too attached to her to give her away, but for Rose,, honestly just offer on him! I'm quite tent as I love the design, but I'd still like to consider whatever you'd like to offer🥺


Sorry for getting back to you so late, I had a bunch of surprise expenses come up and I'm not really in a position to offer anymore. Thanks for responding, though, and if Rose is still around/you're still looking at offers after I have a few paychecks come in I'll probably message you :)

Hi! How much would you take for Hawkstorm?

Hii!!! I could do 35$ for him with an additional icon of him made by me, because I dont remember how much I paid for him originally :>

Sorry, that’s a bit out of my price range at the moment. Good luck with other offers on your characters though!