i have a waterdog myo  ,   +rare treats and im struggling to  make a waterdog ,  if anyone would be intrested in  designing one for me  please let me know , im willing to offer art ,  characters , customs  and maybe money but i currently am trying to save for something . 


Id love to help out with this!

  what would u be looking for for a custom :D ? 

A full lbody usualy goes for about 17-30 usd depending on complexity! I aint gonna charge ya extra for making the page fancy or anything..(plus ur a friendo so i kinda wanna spoil ya lol XD) Either cash, or character designs tbh 🤷‍♀️ 

 do you see anyone that intrests you on my offers folder or waiting room folder  ?  ( i really cant do much money right now since im saving for a cosplay )

At the moment i dont DX im sorry </3 i could keep lookin in the future kinda like an iou? Or just wait and see down the line if you still need them to be designed

if anything i make in the future intrests you feel free to let me know , im fine with waiting cause honestly your customs are one of the best and you know how species work so i would trust u with it .

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