needle felted dolls interest check

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by BCSkulls

Hello all! So I've really gotten into needle felting, and I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in getting their own needle felted character. I'd be opening this up as commissions once I get my owed art queue completely finished. (so hopefully in a month or so, I really want to knock these out) The prices would be case by case, but would start at 50usd plus whatever it is to ship the actual doll to you. Feel free to comment if interested, and I'll get back to everyone who does if I open these up.

Right now I'm working on making better examples (hi besties, watch your backs) but here's a couple things I've done so far


Here's my finished doll of beck as an example (5 inches tall)



OOO these are so cute!! Can I dm you a character for a price check?

Sure! :3