My toxic traits (a list)

Posted 2 months, 5 days ago by IdiotScout

- being spiteful and unwilling to do something when if im told to by someone i view as an authority figure 

- lack of self-discipline

- clingy asf

- unbearably loud and annoying

- people pleaser

- way too many "im gonna fucking kms" sentences and jokes 

-flip-flops between wanting to be alone and needing to be around others to function

- over-eater

- only coping mechanisms are laughing it off and binge-eating 

- no healthy coping mechanisms

Idk man. 


You say you have no healthy coping mechanisms and then list laughing it off as a coping mechanism, laughing it off is very healthy. It's the same as crying. I was told this in a therapy session!
And it's okay to be unsure if you need human interaction or not, it's a very normal thing! I can feel this way too.
And for the loud thing, I am also very loud at times but I never find myself annoying, and I think you shouldn't either. Being yourself is more important than pleasing others.
I can definitely relate to not liking being told to do things by high authority figures like parents, it's really common for people to feel that way xp. For me it just makes me feel controlled which does make sense.
Of course I am not a licensed therapist but I feel like if you look at everything from a different perspective things will get a little better <3 /nf /gen
[Also sorry if like. none of this makes sense. I am just saying how I perceive this. By no means am I forcing you to do anything or saying you're wrong because I'm not! I am simply just talking from experience <3]

Thabk you, Verekuu. You been real nice and supportive and kind and I appreciate it lots 💖🦐 i prolly should try looking on the more positive side for myself

Yeah! Sometimes it's better to look at the positive side of things since thinking negatively usually gets you nowhere. I'm glad I can somewhat help you though, stay safe! <3

Im always tryna be positive for others but I never let myself he positive for me 😭

I can get that!
That's when it gets dangerous though, always be kind to others but don't forget about yourself, you're a person too! ^^

Thank you dawg 🫠 it means a lot

You are so real 💕 I love you /p

WHAHFASHA thank u man.... I just try to spread my """""wisdom""""" y'know.. like all old farts do xd /j

Wisdom is real,...... 💥💥💥💥💥💥


- having independence and being able to question even those above you

- being able to relax + not overworking yourself

- caring about others and wanting their company 

- full of energy and ready to interact

- this one has positive traits. you realize that, right? can definitely recover from it <3

- able to use coping mechanisms efficiently 

- adaptable

- food is tasty, who could blame you for this one?

- I know this is not true. you can always work on it as well!

- uh again, lies

idk man I think you're pretty awesome. if these are the worst traits you can think of then you're a pretty great person ●■●

Thank you 🦐 i appreciate these kind words. It means a lot. 

I'd also like to say that a lot of these things (binge eating, people pleasing, thinking you're annoying, etc) are ones I've recovered/am recovering from. it takes time, but the first step is being aware of something, and you're already there! the fact that you're unhappy with "negative" traits means that you're a good person at heart. you'll change the unhealthy stuff/things that make you unhappy over time, just by learning to accept that you're a good person regardless. sometimes we fail, and that's good- that's how you know you're trying. your effort is the most valuable thing of all.

Thank you, this means a lot. Lmao I remember getting told by my therapists and counselors too that being self aware is awesome, but I want to correct this behavior, not just be aware of it 😭

they're totally right <3 good luck, scout! I know you won't need it.

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