Oc boundaries

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by Vesperlantern

Stealing this 👀

is fanart ok? YES OFC!! I will cherish it always and all my besties will see it 🫶 Just nothing nsfw, problematic, etc.

are headcannons and shipping ok? Yes def lmk about your headcanon!! Shipping def ask first don’t want any weird ships bc some lore isn’t out 😭if shipping our ocs def ask first!! Friends I’ll def usually be down 

is kinning ok? no thank you!

is fanfiction/writing ok? Yes ofc I’d love to read it too!! :DD 

can people draw their ocs with urs? YES.. please 👁️

can I dreamie your ocs? no sorry I’m not a big fan of that! :)


okay but like can i shoot sawyer into the cosmic void ?

Yes please he deserves it