[Open] Art Trades

Posted 1 month, 29 days ago by SilverShadows

Heyoo! :3

To celebrate that I have finally caught up with my to do list and because it's been a long time and I am really in the mood for a trade or two, I figured I'd open up some art trades :3


Please note: If you wanna trade with me, you will have to do your part first! This is because my past experiences haven't always been good and I haven't always received something back and I want to prevent that from happening again^^ (Exceptions are some people I have traded with in the past and/or that I just know I can trust :3) Just to give you a heads up before I go into the details^^


I am open to all kinds of formats, be it sketches or full illustrations, but please no more than 2 characters in 1 piece or I will get overwhelmed atm xD

If you wanna trade, just leave a comment with the format (bust/halfbody/fullbody, sketch/illustration, etc), which of my character(s) you'd like to draw and which character(s) you'd like me to draw! Preferably also some art examples, but I can also go check out your galleries :3

Please do not be offended if I decline, I am willing to trade with all skill levels, but I do have my preferences when it comes to art styles^^ Declining does not mean you are not good enough, it's just not really a style I am looking for^^" (I do like most comic and anime styles, but I tend to not like when it gets too cartoony or into a Minecraft-y direction, but honestly, it always depends)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! <3


Characters I'd like some art of atm (yes, they are almost all queer couples xD If you want more info on their dynamics, etc, feel free to ask! :3)

1. Nico and/or Luka (these 2 I want art of the most, but feel free to check the others as well, they could use some art too :3)

2. Fennic and/or Xaphan (if you're willing to wait 1-2 days, I am currently working on Xaphan's ref and a ref for some of Fennic's other forms though they are similar to the main one)

3. Lucien and Asher (preferably together)

4. Fay and Jaden (or just Fay)

5. One of my main fan characters with or without their canon ship: Luz, Tay, Tala


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