Gaidinia Goals and things

Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by Elylbroong

This is meant to be a suggestion for anyone that sees something on Gaidinia I'm offering for trade but feels unsure of what to offer! the lists are ordered from things I have a burning desire/likely to overtrade for up top.

MYO/trait Preferences:

- Water x Earth Kyanarr MYO

- Earth x Air Kyanarr MYO

- Light Nyanarr Myo

- Dark Nyanarr MYO

- Bundles that are galaxy/star themed

- Event trait

- Rare Nyanarr Trait

- Nyanarr/Kyome - Pawed Feet

- Nyanarr/Kyome - Furred Feet

- Nyanarr/Kyome - Multiple Animal Ears

- Nyanarr/Kyome - Multiple Tails

- Nyanarr/Kyome - Furred Arms

When offering Gaidinian premades (preferences):

- any Light Nyanarr design

- Any Kyanarr Design

- Will look at almost any premade design in general :D


- Heavily depends on the turnaround time and if I've gotten art or a custom from you before <3 when in doubt just ask! (if the turnaround time is a year with a message every month I'll most likely consider at the very least)


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