Hey folks, my friend (_Ouroborosz) is in a rough situation right now, or rather rougher than usual, so I'm chipping in by offering bust doodles like the below (but probably with slightly less detail) for anyone who donates 5 USD to https://ko-fi.com/ouroborosz/goal?g=20 !

Each 5 USD donation (can be sent in whole or in part) is one doodle, or alternatively you could trade in a few donations for a better doodle (like 3 donations would be a bust sketch more akin to my previous bust comms, 5 donations would get you color, 10? might even paint it for you!)

Examples in Spoiler:


5 USD donation (not whole page, just 1 sketch)

15 USD donation

25 USD donation 80892143_3pz0fImirLXdLPv.png

50 USD donation

I'll be confirming all donations with my friend! Thank you for any and all help!!!

DM on discord (sanguinearcane) preferably if interested!


sent over $10! would it be ok to get two different characters for sketch busts, or do you prefer 1 character?

two different characters is fine! can you dm me on discord (sanguinearcane) so i can contact you better?

Hey there, is this still open? No worries if not! ^^ Hope things are lookin up for your friend. ^^

They are open, feel free to dm me on discord! but its a bit of a long queue (especially now that I'm limiting myself to 1 person's a day to avoid burnout)

Gotcha, will do! And that sounds like a good idea, burnout is such a pain and ik these are cheap esp for the quality of your work. I def don't expect mine done within a certain amount of time.

hey! just gave 3 coffees ($15) for 3 $5 sketches if that’s ok with you! i’ll send a discord req!

this is me making a note to myself to dono when I get up tomorrow, also sending you a discord request, it'll be for 3-4 sketches

Thank you!

Donated, request should be pending on discord 

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Yes! You can choose between multiple or just the one of higher quality :)

I'd love to donate some! Is it possible to get multiple of the sketches, they're so nice...

Yes absolutely! You can pick between multiple or higher quality or multiple of higher quality!

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id love to buy one!

great! send a donation over / dm me on discord (sanguinearcane) (whichever order you prefer) and we can discuss details!

I'd be down to donate some! Should I pay first then return or?

Whichever order you prefer, as long as it's confirmed you've donated before I start it's all good! DM on discord (if you can) and we can discuss details!

Works for me!! ♥