Storage/Second Account

Posted 15 days, 18 hours ago by Prism-Tonic

After a lot of debating, I decided to create a storage account for sales/trades of characters that I'll indefinitely be rehoming and possibly for unused/inactive characters. ;7; That way, I can focus more on my active characters here, since TH doesn't have a feature to hide our own characters from our own view ;o; XDD aslajs The adopts that I currently have in my Adoption center here are the ones that I may change my mind about, so it will be separate from my secondary account's characters. XD I was going to use a completely new username, but I decided to use the same name (since it's pretty unique/personal to me), just without the dash, so there isn't as much of a confusion for those who may stumble across the same characters ;o; I just hope my subscribers don't get the two accounts mixed up at any point XD ;;x;; asgashf But if you're interested in my storage account, it's PrismTonic. Please keep in mind, since this is my active/main account, I won't be on the second account as much, so it's recommended that you PM all adopt offers for the characters there to this account.


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