life update

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

it got worst image.png?ex=6627d264&is=662680e4&hm=947


tw little vent, not big topics tho

IM so TIREDD💥💥🦅🦅havent drew ANYTHING for a week? week and a half?? IM GOING INSANE i can't I need to draw

 FUCK IT I HAVENT EVEN DREW AT ART DLASSES TODAY i spent two godamn hours of my life staring at white paper. Drawing is the only thing that makes me sane I have NO OTHER HOBBIES i'm such a sad boring person, /srs I really mean it Im so boring 😢😢😢 

dw guys i'm not pushing myself really hard haha im just rotting in bed watching tiktok for the entire evening... wishing i could draw AHA 👹👹

mom please i really mean it whe i wrote you on christmas wish list i wanted a psych mom pñease just hear me 😂😂😂


Oof realmente puedo llegar a entender, me pasó una situación similar pero deje de dibujar por 4 MESES SEGUIDOS (ocasionado mayormente por problemas de salud mental/personales), es bastante frustrante querer dibujar pero al mismo tiempo no poder hacer nada :(

Y también suele ser estresante saber que la única cosa en la que sientes que eres bueno no lo puedes hacer es bastante frustrante y triste. 

No suelo dar consejos seguido pero te recomiendo tomar un descanso no totalmente del dibujo si no solo hacer pequeños sketches/garabatos muy sencillos no necesitan ser perfectos pueden ser desde una simple bolita o un gatito mal hecho son cosas que hacen que libere estres 

También puedes tratar con hacer actividad física no necesariamente un deporte simplemente caminar o tomar aire fresco, son cosas que me han ayudado a salir de este tipo de estados.

No soy muy buena expresándome pero espero aver ayudado de alguna manera ^-^b

Dios 4 meses yo no resistiría que mal que te pasó 

Lo mío creo que es también por salud mental,,, yeah🦅🦅🔥🔥

Igual muchas gracias 😭

Honestly not pressuring yourself to draw might help.. just like take some time off and try not to think about drawing and like watch youtube or a show you like or go for a walk or something like that

Personally I find that if you pressure yourself to do something it just makes it more difficult to do it so that might help!

Yeah don't worry I just draw a line and I'm already rage quitting so I just watch YouTube or edit some codes,, sadly I don't have the energy to go outside by my own 😭✨

Ah honestly that makes sense ToT

Really hope you feel better soon dude, try and take care of yourself!!!

Awww I'm so sorry to hear that :(( you could maybe try coloring books (digital or not) I do it when I'm bored or feel to down t odraw something! hope you'll get better soon <333

Yeah I might try doing something like that 😞

There's these cute colouring pages in the Sky children of the light discord server, might try doing one of those 

i'm sorry dude, have you tried small doodling with concepts? that usually helps me

trust me, all turned out bad 😭

honestly, to get out of the slump stop putting yourself down, try to uplift yourself and doodle dumb things that do not have to be good, especially with friends you like drawing with, that tends to help me get out of art slumps

im glad it works for you, but trust me, sometimes it makes it more frustrating for me haha 

i can't even doodle dump much,,, i dont even have motivation/inspiration for that 😟

oh, i'm sorry :((

i hope this slump goes away soon, truly

Okay I felt that fr- I hope things start looking up for you soon, dood

Honestly relatable when I don’t draw :(