mine is nexpo's video on gemini home entertainment and fnaf let's plays at regular volume. i could probably sleep through the purge at this point

my airpods died while i was listening to nexpo once and my boyfriend woke up to the part where the guy is screaming for help in an empty field and he got mad at me for it ;_;


i used to blast music to sleep, like disturbed down with the sickness or some shit. currently not able to sleep bc my parents wont let me turn off the fish tank thats making the loudest noise known to man so i'm currently blasting mcr hoping it'll help 😭😭😭 for a while though i've been listening to the beef boys my immortal, forbiden fruit and sonic high school fanfic readings. they kill me and theyre perfectly long enough to fall asleep to, not much screaming or anything xD

I was on you-tube and I woke up at 3am to hear "the horses (male part) is 6 inches long" I stared at the TV confused af then I turned on a show to get my mind off of it, it took 1 week for me to recover! is was soo funny

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i think you win... do you even like. like it? or do you put on something that sucks to sleep to

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Mine is the Markiplier Fnaf Playlist, and RTGames City SKylines or Sims playlist
I really like falling asleep to loud youtubers
I have a whole playlist of just videos that I fall asleep to, it's like, the only reason I sleep nowadays XD

MARKIPLIER FNAF!!!! i literally had to go back and rewatch his ruin playthrough because i slept thru all of it

That's how I feel about the main fnaf videos
I feel bad sleeping through it because they're so iconic and funny, but damn if they don't put me right to sleep like nothing else

dethklok naming bands in the dark for 25 mins youtube video

i fell asleep to a 2hr long roblox video of a DOORS gameplay-

hmm. Patricia Taxxon has a video defending the ethics of furries finding furry art attractive and about 10 minutes in, possibly less, it derails into the inherent autism of furry art ( promise it makes sense when you're listening to it) and then rerails in the last 3 seconds of the video, I think that one's up there

there's also like an hour long vid on the Mandela catalogue I like to fall asleep to... that's probably also weird

omg i fall asleep to mandela catalog videos too i used to have to turn the volume way down so the voices wouldn't keep jarring me awake but now i listen to them on normal volume

JAJAJA yeah sometimes it can be oddly calming to listen to horror while sleeping . Like these things are fictional and entertaining to me, take that monster in my closet

weirdest thing for me is I fall asleep to restoration videos and specifically ones where people use a sandblaster because the sound soothes me somehow

Nexpo's voice is honestly so relaxing despite the content his videos are about 😭

LITERALLY like while he's talking it's so calm and honk shoo but interspersed with analog horror noises while he's showing clips from what he's talking about

4 me its likley
-dankpods. ok i love that guy  
-commentary videos
-saberspark [I DONT KNOW WHY]
ok i think thats all i can think of.....




I literally have a list of random things I watch depending where I’m sleeping lol, I’ll watch Sinjin Drowning (Roblox videos) or Andy King (commentator) when I fall asleep at my dorm. But when I’m at home it’s usually Spongebob bc I know every episode like the back of my hand 😭😭
