Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by txv

hi! before anything id like to thank everyone who has supported me! i dont usually do commissions and im pleasantly surprised that all slots were taken within a day ^_^' so i truly want to express my gratitude

since there has been an interest in my art, i am going to open a pinglist for the next time i open commissions. im not certain when ill be able to open again, but i will do my best to let everyone know ahead of time when i do. please reply and ill include you !

Commission pinglist: alcor, ArsonPiss, P_anda


can I be added to the list? Tyy

I wanted to com last time but used it all on another character but I definitely have characters that your style would look so good in


sure, added! ^_^

I’d love to be added to the pingslist. 

