Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by MoccaBliss

AAA i have too many ocs like its making me upset like some ppl have like 5 ocs and their fine why do i have 400+ and only draw like 2 of them?? AAAAA


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All ur OCS are cute. :D

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me except im sizing down my ocs and redesigning 90% of them since a lot are from my childhood and havent been updated in AGES


A lot of these comments are really nice to read cause I have like 400+ (though it's probably more 500+ due to another account I have) and I get so worried about not using em enough.

I don't know if it's any help, but I've had some designs that took a year or even longer before they got their perfect place!! I had one design that went from a design I could never figure out a place for, to one of my main sonas! You never know when that perfect place for a critter is gonna spring up!!

Wish everyone who sees this the best of lick with lessening any guilt they might have about oc amounts!! It's a process, but in the meantime, just try to remind yourself that making ocs is for fun!! There shouldn't be a limit on how many you can make or how you express your creativity!! :D

Oh yeah I get this so much, I have over 1,000 ocs that went up as the years went by (considering my special interest IS ocs)
though just recently started cutting them down & also redesigning a lot of them, its a slow process but it does help with any little stress it may cause me ^_^

IT'S COOL BRO plenty of people have more characters than other!!! i have 300+..

i guess there's like a lot of guilt around "character hoarding" but also like. a lot of shows / books have 100s of characters in their universe. it comes with worldbuilding and loving designing .. so i wouldn't feel bad! :)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love having too many ocs and staring at them like YEAHHHH!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

I always feel the same way, but then I cannot get rid of my ocs because I love them. lol. 

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wait real 😭 I have like 100 but i only draw 7 of them on a regular basis

Ur aloud to be a collecter!!!! Somtimes The feeling of being able to look through your catalog of hard earned characters is a lot better then the feeling of owning only a Couple 3. 

you Just have so much more flexibility!? Like, you have a whole LIBRARY of OCs to pick and choose from, in the mood to make a minor slice of life story? Just look through and see what you have!! Want to find a novel OC thats simple but charming to sketch? what I’m saying is that it’s not worth getting caught up in this—

i know it seems a bit overwhelming to own so many charcters— and not know what to do w/ them, but it just opens u up to so many more storylines and possibilities

anyways,, sorry for the ramble, but I just feel really bad when I see big creators sell off so many of their designs and pretty charcters Simply because “they don’t draw them enough” ur aloud to just look at / enjoy them!! 

tysm!! this actually made me feel better hehehe i tend to forget this!!

I love that! Everyone should hear that 

This is so sweet Im glad I read this, greatly worded ^_^

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I just don’t know what to do with some of my critters 

Felt 😭

God I feel this in my soul 😭