i just had such a bad situation

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by TheOtterMan

to anyone who owns or plans on owning cockatiels ,  please  cover any hole in the places they live in ,  even if u think  they wont get in there trust me they will.

my cockatiel got himself stuck behind a closet in his room ,   idk for how long he was there but after we took the  closet litterally apart to  get to him he was having a  shock attack ,  he was trembling so bad and i honestly felt so much guilt ,  i see him as my child so seeing him in so much  stress    made my anxiety really bad. 

he is now asleep on his cage , i have never seen him so  slow  , but havent seen any injuries on him wich is great.

  cockatiels are curious birds and  this just prooves he will get himself where his curiosity takes him


I hope hes able to make a full recovery