widdle tos update

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by DunkleJesse

made some minor adjustments to my global tos! it can be viewed from the ownership tab on any of my designs, as shown here!

just added no nfts (i meant to add that from the start but forgot lmao) and clarified the resale section a little. my designs cannot be sold for money without additional art if they don't have an original monetary worth (meaning i did not sell them for money from the start). if you've added art, commissioned or otherwise, you can sell them for whatever price you desire, idc and i'm not picky with this stuff normally lol. but please don't attach a monetary value to my designs if they were never sold for money and do not have any added pieces. i may make exceptions here and there depending on the situation, but in those cases i prefer to be asked first! 

i know some people think it adds monetary value to the design if it was traded for something that had a monetary value, but i personally don't really agree with that take lol. if i never sold it for money myself, it's got no monetary value on its own. please respect this, i prefer not to go after anyone and i currently don't have a blacklist but i will refrain from interacting with users who do this in the future. 

ok das all thankie ily<33


HONESTLY this is so real I should add this to my own TOS. So funny I haven't, bc usually I am a huge hard ass with my TOS (the resale thing I mean, I never did think of tht) 

definitely a good idea!! tbh im usually very loose with it and dont have many requirements, its just silly to me that i even have to specify HVJVGRHJ
