Not FCFS!!

I’m trying to get a ticket to a convention me and my friends are going to go to together so this would help a ton with that!


$35 Busts: OPEN!

$15 Chibis: CLOSED!

Examples in my art tab 🫶🫶 pls comment if you’re interested!!!

Sorry for the shoddy post, I plan to open my vgen pretty soon but I need to get this ticket asap ><


Hey vro… I’d love to comm another Chibi of Aiko 🫶

Or a chibi of him!

I know I said I would only do two but I’ll take one more just for you vro 🫶🫶 I’m totally okay with drawing either, whichever you prefer!

Vro ur the sweetest…. Let me dm you on discord rq😏

can i get chibi of :3

Hello!! Yes of course you can, I’d love to draw her again!

Hihi! I’m interested in getting a chibi of her!

Hello hello!! I can absolutely do that for you!!

Yayyy sounds great! We can talk on discord (mizorequartz) if that sounds good to you :3