Also im not okay!!

Posted 14 days, 16 hours ago by IdiotScout

Im paranoid asf rn I been checking in these past few days but like. Ermmmm im not good!!! Jsyk


i hope you feel better soon (:

If you need me I’m here. (I have discord, lemme know if u want it fr)

I hope you start feeling better, been missing your presence LMAO

Gimmie your discord bozo

fangletherolm 😘😘 (sorry this is so late AUG)h

I'm here if you need someone.

Thank you, im just feeling like. I need to literally entirely disappear from everything. Block everyone on socials, leave every discord server and start saying mean shit so people will have awhole reason to not talk to ke anymore bc one small thing has ruined how I see myself lmfao

you're lovely, you know that?

Thank you, its hard to belive that, sometimes

here's a flowchart I made you


Thank you for this oml, this belongs on my wall its so sweet. You're too nice, Wasp 😭

I hope you feel less paranoid soon scout, I'm here if you need to talk :(

Oml whay I was js about to text you (not to vent AHSHAHS) 

I have that big brain mentality that I can telepathically communicate with you 🤷