April Requests: Closed tysm!

Posted 1 month, 11 days ago by CrazyMouseInc

I said I would do this in April, and it is still April lol. I'll be closing this Wednesday, May 1st, to make sure I don't overdo it.

These will probably be very simple chibis. Mostly pencil, limited color. It depends on the number of requests vs. time, really.

I've never opened requests here on Toyhouse before. Should I do a form?

  • Character:
  • Expression/Pose:
  • Object/Background:

One request per person. I can do a very simple background, like some shapes  , stars   , hearts  , and stuff   , or like they're on a beanbag chair by a bookshelf, or watering a flowerbed. Anything I can simplify into a little scene. Trying to get in the habit of escaping The Void  .

I don't think I'll make it a requirement for this one, but I will prioritize subscribers/watchers. Not fcfs, and I may not get around to everyone.
I don't have any restrictions on characters? I want to continue experimenting and trying new things, so I'll tackle just about anything even if it's out of my lane.
That said, please have a SFW reference of the character.

I think that's everything. To make a request, comment on this bulletin! Thanks for reading!

Oh, and I'm looking for more mutuals on here! Especially other writers, comic creators, or game devs! I find it really motivating to see other's work, and I'm trying to get better at building community and such. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚


Character: IC, please! 

Expression/Pose: Perhaps something like this! He's a sassy psycho goober, take that as you will!


Object/Background: His bat as company, always, but ofc optional! 

Subbed immediately, love your art style and would love to see more content you put out!! I wish I had it in me to be at least a somewhat proper content creator but I'm so flakey. 🥲 Happy to cheer some other people on though where I can. 👍✨️

Thank you so much!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
And yeah, I totally understand that. I've yet to get a Youtube video up for instance, and I'm great at creating and building up a lot of projects at once, but it's hard to push any individual thing through to a completed state. I've been trying out some new methods for tackling all those ideas though, and it's going pretty well so far! I'm excited to see some tangible progress this year. O(∩_∩)O

Character: IC

Expression/Pose: He doesn't smile so much so anything of him with an annoyed expression or the like is good

Object/Background: listening to music with his earbuds on his bed

Subbed because I'm also a fellow comic creator myself :P (it's mostly silly doodly stuff but I might actually take it a little more seriously in the future)

Comic artiiiists! 👏 I love a good serialized comic, but I'll never knock a fun doodle! I got my start with comedic 4-panel comics, and I still do them now! They're a ton of fun. o(^▽^)o

Couldn't agree more! The best part is that whenever you doodle comics it doesn't have to look fancy if you don't want it to :P

Character: https://toyhou.se/23896688.prince-shard

Expression/Pose: Maybe just focused on a book, maybe looking annoyed or miffed? 

Object/Background: Reading a book and/or sitting in a chair

I subbed because I like your art :) I do comic art, and am currently trying to write some comics! Have a nice day!

Whoo! Comic artists! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Omg, I just read that you've been working on yours for 5 years?! That's dedicated. 👏
Do you (or plan to) post it on here? Or just your cast of characters? I look forward to seeing more of them either way. 💜

A wonderful day to you as well. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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Thank you! (^∀^●)ノシ

The pose idea, a peace sign and a machete lol, is super amusing. I love the devil beanie! XD

  • Character: IC
  • Expression/Pose: any
  • Object/Background: sparkles maybe?
Also, I've subbed, love your art :D

Thank you so much! (≧∇≦)ノ

I read Charlotte's bio and could really feel the love you have for your character. 🧡 Her power set is totally OP, I dig it, I see the vision. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
And then you've got labels for like every fandom under the sun (Excellent taste btw; Parasyte, Bleach, Persona, and MP100 to name just a few. ( *︾▽︾) ) It's all wonderful, I love seeing a character so loved by their creator/author/whatever-you-refer-yourself-as-in-relation-too-your-OCs-here. 💖

  • Character: Cyberlux Compucat 
  • Expression/Pose: Any
  • Object/Background: Maybe his motorcycle or similar sportbike? If you can't, feel free to do a star background!
Thanks for the chance!

Welcome! And thank you for subscribing! I subbed back, too (of course, I figure the site notifies you of that lolol.)

A motorcycle will definitely be a challenge, it'll probably be very simplified, but I'd be happy to give it a shot. (I gotta practice vehicles at some point.) It looks very Tron-like! I've always liked that style of sci-fi aesthetic, with the glowing lines and rings, but I haven't applied it to nearly as much as I should.
Well. Okay, so maybe that's because I end up writing more magic-fantasy-paranormal-supernatural stories over sci-fi/cyberpunk/future setting ones. But I should, is what I'm saying. XD

Thank you! Take your time, and hopefully, it will turn out well!

  • Character: https://toyhou.se/26818774.emil (without wings !! they got torn off-- [F] )
  • Expression/Pose: any 
  • Object/Background: any

    thank u for the chance dont overdo it and have fun :DDD
    anyway...FDSFHSDHF I LOVE YOUR WORK (if that wasnt clear enough)

uhuhuhuplz.jpg?4Thank you, Yuu!

Oof, wings gone, that's rough buddy.
......There's a wool cap. AGAIN. XD

my girlfriend turned into the moon...
wool caps are my calling..