Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by StrawBunn



If you get one of my adopts then they will be delivered to you by TH, it's prohibited to delete de adopt's profile!

It's allowed to change the adopt's design only if after the changes the adopt is still recognizable

Before selling or trading the adopt, they must stay with you at least a week

You cannot erase my signature from the adopt's design 

If you got the adopt by trade, raffle or if they where a freebie then you cannot sell it for real currency unless the adopt have art pieces that were worth real currency.

I only accept usd by PayPal atm!

My adopts can't be sold, traded or gifted to people that don't have TH


Once I send you the sketch, you can only request 2 free changes, you'll have to pay if you want more

You cannot delete my signature from the drawings I make

 If the drawing is uploaded to another platform then you must credit me

The payment is divided into two: You'll have to pay the first half to start the drawing and the second when the sketch is shown.

It will take me between 4 days to a week to finish the drawing, although if something happens and I need more time I will tell you


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