New lore for Fry and Ketchup!

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by Voxcake

Fry and Ketchup were made from a lab by scientists. These scientists wanted to see if they could make lifeforms out of food, which they were successful.

Food crewmates and food imposters were located in separate rooms just so there were no accidents. They were free to roam and explore their built-in world and were treated with kindness by the scientists. Although with the food imposters, they did have to be extra careful since the imposters didn't like them that much. At least most of them.

They were happy for a little while until one day there was a loud explosion within the lab. Apparently, the scientists were not authorized to make these little creatures. They refused to give up the food goobers and fought back, which turned the lab into a battle ground. Some scientists grabbed as many food goobers as they could and released them outside the lab. They all ran away from the lab as it was starting to go in flames at this point. 

A year passes by. Food crewmates and imposters had created their own little homebase in the forest they called home now. They refused to go back to the lab to get resources since it has been infested with rats. At least, only 1 food imposter was only brave enough to make a little base in the abandoned lab. He built it behind his fellow imposters without them knowing. That was Ketchup.

During the imposters hunt to eat crewmates, Ketchup helped the crewmates escaped which was against the imposter code. He ended up being hunted and surrounded. As his death was near, a fellow crewmate shows up and saves him! Ketchup directed him to go to the lab as they won't follow them in there. When they arrived in the safe place of the secured base far from the rats and other imposters, this crewmate bandaged him up. Ketchup was thankful he was saved and asked for the crewmate's name. In which, the crewmate replied with, "Fry."

They 2 have been together ever since. <3

(Ok, I don't usually write lores that often, so I hope this turned out good! Please give me suggestions that can further enhance the story!)

-too tired to re-read it atm lol


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lol ty

You can make literatures to directly link them to ocs btw >:)


Toyhouse and the book features ;3

Good luck