Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by ColeSmurf23

Well that was a set back 😔, I finally called Noah's House. And I have to pay 1700 dollars a month. Plus I have to talk to my parents about it. THIS REALLY DOES SUCK. I can't afford that. I only make 943 a month.

SO I'M STUCK WITH THEM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE with them. That was my dream to. Even if I talk to my parents about it. They won't let me move. The only thing I can hope for. If my father gets approved. MY DREAM OF MOVING IS CRUSHED 😭

Now where I'm I gonna move to, to afford rent. I don't know what to do now. I'm not too happy about it. And it said on their website, 495 a month. Not 1700. My parents and I can't afford that. And my mother is the only one working.

My DREAMS IS CRUSHED YET AGAIN. Just like when I wanted to go to my aunt's wedding.

What am I supposed to do now? That means. I have to deal with them two HAVING SEX. While I'm at home. The only thing I can do is just get in front of the office and sit down at the table.

Why can't I make more than 943 dollars. I'm not too happy about it. And that place looks absolutely beautiful and perfect for me.

WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW. I'm just really crushed.

I was so excited too. You know, having a new life. Away from my parents. *sigh*


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