LF art OF ocs

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by VibrantFangz

PLSPLSPLS 🧎‍♀️ I need art of my new fella so bad 


Preferably with a scene/background but really, anything will do!! Backgrounds are just super cool :]

Offering OCs in these folders-




HRMMMMM okay don't feel pressured to take this but perhaps we could do an art trade? :3 Im not looking for any new ocs rn since I have a lot I still need to draw and upload rip but I would love to draw this silly guy

Ahh yes!! I currently have an art trade going with another moot but I’ll let u know if I get that out of the way soon :]

OK sounds good!! just dm me on discord whenever you want to do it 👹👹👹

A fullbody and bust? https://toyhou.se/17865916.ota