Posted 1 month, 21 days ago by Mediator ✮ IdiotScout

Ok so basically

Erwin has a mother, father, and three younger siblings. 

Erwin's relationship with her mom, whose name is Denise, was especially good before she left to work with the mercs. When she came home in the morning after doing someone's dirty work, she'd find a place to stash the cash she made, and give it to her mom in secret or when her father was so drunk that he didnt even know what was going on. Erwin's favorite memory with her mom happened when she was around eight years old. The two went to Erwin's favorite park and talked about the future and what Erwin wanted to do when she grew up. She told her mom that she wanted to be like her. "Tucking me in every night and telling me bedtime stories!" Denise, with a laugh, reiterated, asking what she wanted to do for a job when she grew up. Erwin looked off in thought, before she turned to her mom and said, "I wanna make people feel good! What job does that?"

Denise smiles. "There's lots of jobs like that, baby," she said. "Doctors and nurses make you feel better inside, therapists make you feel better in your head, and mommies can make you feel better in here," Erwin was poked softly in the chest. She looked to her mom with a cock of her head. "Can I be all three, momma? I wanna help everyone in the world!" Another chuckle leaves Denise as she pulls her baby girl into a side hug, looking off into the distance. "One day, baby, you can be whatever you want, and I'll be here to help you." 


Edit: adding a little more to blurb, but Erwin always gave her mom a kiss on the forehead when she was "going to bed" (aka going out to do her job). She loved making cards for her mom and trying to spend what money she could on her for something extra, like going out to eat or buying her a new piece of jewelry❤she loves her momma so much


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