Account / Adoption Rules

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by CxrviknightAdopts

- First off, this is not an opening post! The account will open on and off. This is simply a rules post that is going to be copied into all opening posts.


Rule 1 - You MUST be subscribed to this account in order to adopt. I will check, no subscribing to unsubscribe.

Rule 2 - You may only adopt one character per week from this account, and a max of two characters per month. This is to allow everyone a chance. The only exception to this rule is the Rule 10 Exception. (Read Below)

Rule 3 - FCFS. I try my best to give it to the first person who successfully followed all rules, sometimes mistakes may happen or I may not receive notifications: if that happens, please just pick another freebie! After all, they are free and given away with good intentions, so please don't bring any negativity or drama to the account. 

Rule 4 - You're fine to change anything about your new character; names, species etc.

Rule 5- You may NOT re-sell your freebie for DA points/USD/Currencies UNLESS you have PAID for extra art/commission of them. Trades and gift art do not count in this scenario. You can always regift for free or trade, though.

Rule 6- ALWAYS check the homepage of the account before trying to claim. Even if a folder has characters in it, it's a pre-setup for openings to make things more organized. If you try to claim in a period that the account is closed, your comment will be deleted. There is no strike against you for this, and you can continue to adopt when we are open, but I just don't have the energy to keep responding to people with the same 'the account isn't open' story

Rule 7- This is two freebies per PERSON per month, not per account. If I catch you using alt. accounts to claim freebies, you will be blocked, and I will inform the community of your behaviors.

Rule 8 - I prefer not to give away to freebie hoarding accounts...I can't check everyone, but please only adopt if you have some interest in the character/will use them/are genuinely interested in the artist support cause.

Rule 9 - This account will also be hosting 'Fave to adopt'. This is for freebies that have multiple pieces of art or are of high quality. They're like the normal freebies, but they require you to also fav some of my characters as well in order to adopt.

Rule 10 -If you have already reached the monthly limit of 2x adopts, you may also adopt one more by donating a character or faving at least 10 characters in this folder:

IF FAVED: After you have faved the characters, comment here saying 'FAVE TICKET' and then comment on the freebie you want saying 'FAVE TICKET' again. This grants you the extra fav pass ticket and allows you to adopt the third freebie. This must be on your third week, as you can only adopt one a week.

IF DONATED: Donate the character and put 'DONATION TICKET' in the transfer box. Then comment on the profile of the character you want also saying 'DONATION TICKET'.


heyo is this still open? if so what for ? if theyre free to claim anyway, because if so i did e3verything listed! followed everyones insta, da, and faved 5 chars!

oops hold on this is account not chars- i think= sorry only 1 braincell is working atm

Honestly im a little confused, though I dont know if its because I'm on my final braincell or not. I commented on one of the characters seeing if I could claim them, then realised I dont know how to see which characters are for grabs??
Is this even up yet or am I legit just too dumb lmao im SORRY WDHSAHG

it said at the start of the bulletin, the account isn't open. (you can always check the homepage)

I'm pre-oganizing them into folders

OHH okay, sorry I was on a single braincell after mourning over unus annus

I have a question, are all the characters for freebies or may we offer art or trades to get them?

freebs :>