Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by Mediator ✮ IdiotScout

/tw for mentions of child abuse, methinks

Okay so now we're gonna move on to the siblings. We'll get on to Erwin's father last. Fuck that guy. 

Okay so, Erwin's younger sister, Elizabeth Erwin, is four years younger than her. So rn Elizabeth is 17. 

Now Gabby doesn't pick favorites... HOWEVER, Elizabeth, or Lizzy for short, is kiiinda the sibling she's bonded the most with. They've always had similar interests, albeit they never were on the same ground about what should be made for dinner or what tv show to put on, but they're very tightly-knit. If Lizzy did something bad and their dad threatened to hurt her, Gabs would take the blame for it. She was the shield for her siblings yk? It wasn't just for Lizzy but it was a very common thing bc she was a clutz and knocked things over a lot and whatnot. Elizabeth and Gabby loved picking flowers together and trying to make flower crowns, even if they never could get it right. 

Gabby's favourite memory with Lizzy occurred when she (Gabs) was 17. They had a "sleepover" which was basically they just made a fort on Gabby's bed and slept on it. It was something they did every so often, but this particular time in January was special. The two were staying up all night, taking turns playing tetris and telling cool stories to each other. 

At some point in the night, Lizzy asks Gabby, "Do you like boys?" The question catches the older sister by surprise, but she says "Uh, y- I mean yeah, I'd totally kiss one if we um... Yknow, liked each other. Why?" She sets down her little game console and gives Lizzy her full attention, and the younger sis gets a little bit flustered. "I think I like a girl," Elizabeth whispers, worried of judgement. However, judgement doesn't come. Gabby smiles enormously and says, "awww does Lizzy have a crushy wushy on a girl~?" She asks teasingly while rubbing her sisters head to reassure her. "Who is it, Lizzy? C'mon, you can tell me!" 

Elizabeth nods. "It's a girl in my biology class, her name is Jasmine, and she's really nice and funny and pretty, and I want her to know I like her but I'm scared she doesn't like me back and-" Gabby follow's along with nods and "mhm's" before moving her hand to Lizzy's shoulder and saying, "Hey, listen, I'm right here! If you need help asking her out, I can help you, sis. You just gotta let me know, yeah?"

"Then I want your help!" Lizzy exclaims with another bounce of her head, and a smile tugging her lips. "I want to go on a date with her!" Gabby laughs and shakes Elizabeth softly. "Alright, alright, easy there, tiger! How about this," She grabs Lizzy's hands. "We go to bed right now, and when we wake up, we can do a little date rehearsal where you can pretend I'm Jasmine, and you're trying to ask me out?" 

Giggles and a hug are shared between the two sisters, which are followed by Gabby tucking Elizabeth in and kissing her forehead and saying goodnight, and then, she too retiring for the night. 



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Big sis duties 🦅🦅💥🦅💥🦅💥🦅💥🦅

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