my girlfriend miffibel doesn't use toyhouse very much, but she gave me permission to put her ocs/cs up for offers on her behalf. she has a dainty + two mignyans up for offers as well. 

money > art > trade 

for art she’s seeking high quality human artwork, preferably fullbody illustrations and chibis. if offering artwork, please provide examples and list how many pieces you'd be willing to offer!
for character design she is looking for baroque / gothic human/oids, but again that is a low priority.  please do not link your entire folder with 10+ pages, please link individual characters instead. 

please direct all comments/messages/pms for her characters to me and not to my girlfriend regarding trades! thanks! 


would $15-20 be okay for ? o:

she says she’ll take $20! Send it to [email protected] please 

payment's all sent!
