Happy month of May digital travelers~!
I hope it's no longer snowing for the majority of you (I've had a few recent snow-squalls, surprisingly enough) and that you're getting out there and enjoying the warm weather!


1. You will be required to make at least one adopt during your one month stay. Potential batch adopts do count towards this quota.
2. Prior GAs are on a two month cool down!

This form will close on May 8th at 4pm EST~

Fill out this form to apply!


We will be wrapping up the month of may with a full stock of Surprise Aemones, along with... MINI Surprise Aemones~!
Both of these will be open on May 31st and we will announce on May 27th what time they will be open, so it gives the community ample time to rearrange their schedule/fit in the release~  

These will be resupplied every other month from here on out! 


We may be opening a Species Artist sign-up form in the middle of the month of May, so if you are interested in helping out with event graphics and such, look forward to that~!

That's all for this month~! See you all later   


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