raffle winners + next raffle poll

Posted 1 month, 9 days ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

2 Votes character raffle (feral/anthro)
1 Votes character raffle (pony)
3 Votes character raffle (humanoid)
6 Votes art raffle
2 Votes art raffle with a character option

primary raffle winner is number 51 (queentwinkletoes) and the secondary winner is number 15 (KoriTheFae)

raffle winners can either respond to the bulletin or message me to claim their prize!

primary winner: can claim the character or a shaded fullbody art, for the fullbody please include the details of what character you'd like done, plus any preference on expression, pose, background, ect.

secondary winner: for the shaded halfbody art please include the details of what character you'd like done, plus any preference on expression, pose, background, ect., please also include if you would prefer the art prize or the character prize in case the primary winner does not want it

and poll for the next raffle in june! let me know if there's certain themes or species or anything you'd like to see!! it's also my birthday in june so I currently have some extra things planned^^


So sorry for being a few days late!! I took a break from the internet. I would love the character prize if the primary winner didn’t want it! 

okie dokie, I'll send them over now ^^

YOOO THANKS SO MUCH AND CONGRATS!!! I'd love the fullbody, please! I've been obsessed with getting art of my oc Atlas lately hehe! https://toyhou.se/19492123.atlas Tysm again!!

okay, you can most likely expect the art sometime in june! or sooner depending on how busy I am ^^

no worries, take as long as you need!