Password Reset Email Troll

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by enlq

DON’T click on the password reset link that has been sent to you if you didn’t even prompt for it. There’s been a lot of people saying things regarding this issue and I’m doing this to spread awareness as well.

Here’s a helpful bulletin about the same thing:


a troll went and i believe typed in usernames through the “forgot password” thing to send emails to a bunch of people

(the troll’s account has been closed; here’s what the admin said)

Hi, thanks for reaching out. This user's account has now been closed.

Please discard any password reset requests that you did not issue; we don't have any reason to believe these emails can be used to breach a user's account, and these are safe to ignore. Please do not follow any links from emails you do not recognise. 

To ensure account security, please do regularly change your password and consider enabling 2FA.

If you run into any other information or reason to believe this user has access to further accounts, please do reach out to the HelpDesk or via [email protected] with details. Thanks for your patience. 

Ohh, I see! Thank you so much for the info!