how to sneak into 18+ movie

Posted 23 days, 1 hour ago by rocketpunch3000

step 1. have kids

step 2. wait until they turn 18

step 3. have 18 year old be present while you attend the movie

step 4. you havent evaded any laws AND youre watching an over 18 movie, remember that sneaking in to places we shouldnt be is bad! stay safe out there and remember to always obey the law


do 18 year old rocks count

thats not what that means........18+ means you need to have at least 17 other people with you if you wanna watch

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If I steal a random 18 year old child and then give it back does it still count

no thats bad dont do that

*sweats* What do I do if I already did that, hypothetically I mean, cuz I totally didn’t do it

jail 20 years

AHAHA, well good thing I didn’t actually do it!!! Lmao lmao 

what if i hate kids

get an 18 year old dog

ty for the advice <3

Ohh !! Makes so much sense ! Thanks toyhouse user rocketpunch3000

^ .^

Wait- wont you be 18+ to have kids?

no you’d be like, 26, that’s not 18 you can’t go


Will do 🫶

rocketpunch3000 i would take a bullet for you


If my cat has kids is it automatically over 18 despite how time as a concept works I want to teach it to play GTA 5

Sorry this was a stupid question I'll never respond to your bulletins again

teach your cat to play gta 5