Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by rainfalls

⨠ T.O.S and PRICES

Long time no see haha!

I can't even quite remember when was the last time I've opened commissions, but now that I have figured some more technical stuff out I'm finally reopening them! :,)

This time will be a bit different from all the others, however, got a couple of updates to make!

↣ this time around my commission slots will NOT be FCFS!!

This is because in the past, as a result of keeping them fcfs while also not having the time needed to take more than 2-3 at a time, I'd barely get to keep comms open for a couple of hours at a time, which is unfair to people in different timezones.

So if you want to order a comm from me, please DM me either here or on discord! (rqinfalls) I will keep comms open for about 24h so that everybody that's been waiting on my pinglist gets a chance to see them, then I'll pick out a few orders to start with (not necessarily depending on money dw, just on what I feel most inspired to work on).

HOWEVER, even if you don't get picked this time I'll still reply to your DM, giving you the option to be put on a prioritized list, if you want! So that the next time I want to open comms, I'll contact you first!

↣ I'm taking paypal for payment now too!

If you still prefer paying with points/through DA commission widgets then that's alright too, I'm still going to take payment like that, but paypal is now also an option!

↣ I have updated both my T.O.S and prices, so please check that out (all can be found on my carrd)!

↣ and last but not least, I do have to mention that while my queue rn isn't too full, I'm about to enter exam season at school in a few weeks, so around that time work on comms will be slower.

This shouldn't last too long however, and once june comes around I'll have more free-time to work on these!

When sending in your commission request please include:

  • type(s) of commission(s):
  • character(s):
  • specific requests (background, expression, design notes etc.):

We'll discuss the price/details if necessary and then proceed with payment!

I'll likely answer most of these dm's tomorrow, so please be patient!

That's all for tonight, will head back to the rock I live under now! .;)


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