Hhhh… attachment issues 😞💔

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by VibrantFangz

EDIT: I’ll keep the raffle up, I want her to go to a good home <33

I’m so attached to an oc I made a raffle for but I already submitted it as a raffle - I’m a bit bummed bc it didnt do as well as I wanted it to :(

but people have already submitted art and entered so idk what to doooo!! 😭💔 urggghhh…. Would it be ok to cancel it and give a free character to the people who submitted art?? 


I feel that, I think you could cancel this raffle and make another? But give the people who made art the same amount of credit tickets n stuff

Oh for sure!!! I may just do that :3 

I don't see why not

hmmmmmmmmmm, you could always draw them afterwards? I know it isn’t the same as owning the character but if it makes you feel better if I win the raffle i’ll give em back haha

HFHGHF UR TOO KIND I WOULDNT DO THAT TO YOU 😭🙏🙏 I’m gonna do some brain thinking for a bit and decide

may make another raffle to make up for this one