
Posted 30 days, 7 hours ago by yonah

City of Bricanis

Location: Bricanis County, Kingdom of Malapia
Demographics: 50% Elf | 25% Halfling | 15% Human
Population: 15K
Elevation: 4990ft above sea level
Biome: temperate deciduous forest


The city is surrounded by an imposing wall of wood, with many fully-staffed watchtowers at regular intervals along its length. The gate is double-thickness, reinforced with metal bands, augmented with a portcullis, and is always manned. A supplementary wall of wood encompasses the surrounding countryside, with its own watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out without the watch's knowledge or permission.

The market is spacious. Spaces are first come, first served and do not cost money. Vending and peddling outside the market square is banned.

Murder Masquerade created by the Celestial Thief

Basic Info

Bricanis is a small, ancient city. The builders of the city were a foreign occupying force, who initially set up a camp. As time went on, more and more permanent structures were built. Their foothold in the region remained solid, and the settlement grew.

Bricanis is ruled by a small council of nobles appointed by the count. The city has established itself as a power in the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also a military presence, in other local settlements. The city itself is a strong and formidable presence. The city's fundamental elements are firmly in hand, providing what it needs to perform at peak functionality. There is little to no room for improvement. The council is managing things expertly.

The city is passable. While not offensive to the senses of one well-traveled, it could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations. Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing but are generally functional.

City Surroundings

  • prison
  • barrows
  • warhorse farm


Population Wealth: Prosperous

Population Density
The city is filled with jostling throngs. Practically all structures are occupied. Some may even camp outside the walls. Moving about can be difficult, and bumping into other people is typical in high-traffic areas.

Visitor Traffic
A noticeable amount of people come through the city on a regular basis. Congestion is increased.

Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.

Night Activity
There is little difference between day and night traffic. There are always people on the streets, and it may seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain open constantly. The gate remains open and is only closed under the most dire of circumstances.

Law Enforcement
Run by a captain and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen regularly.

Most are used to hearing about some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone who's been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. Enough incidents have occurred that most folk don't have trouble believing that there is an organized criminal element.



Upper Ward
Condition: dilapidated
Entry: lightly guarded
Crime: infrequent
Housing: limited
Notable Locations:

  • magic armor store (coercion)
  • Velvety Patissire
  • Unique Boutique
  • Rare Botanicals

Hunter's Square
Condition: impressive
Entry: open
Crime: infrequent
Housing: none
Notable Locations:

  • luxury furnishings (vested interests)
  • The Crow Bar
  • The Milquetoast
  • Sew & Tell


  • Adventurer's Guild
  • Baker's Guild
  • Tailor's Guild


  • The Rookery (Celestial Thief)


Someone within the city has recently gained incredible fame.

The guildmaster of the Tailor's Guild is incompetent.

An underground black market has been established, dealing in the movement of illicit goods or services. A fair amount of people have encountered something related to the black market and there are rumors.

A local residence has been haunted by a mischievous spirit.


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