
Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by yonah

Town of Kottapudi

Location: Wargdon Parish, Burlish Theocracy
Demographics: 60% Orc | 40 % Shifter (Longtooth)
Population: 1.5K
Elevation: 397ft above sea level
Biome: temperate deciduous forest


The town has wood walls and a castle.

Sunless Grove created by Kaja

Basic Info

Kottapudi is a small, mature town. It was decided by some authority that a town was needed here, funds and materials were set aside for its founding, and it was established.

The wealthiest shop owner in the town leads by default. The town is known for being a place to find high-quality, hand-crafted goods. The town is functional and generates a modest to good amount of coin.

Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams protruding from structure walls look to be sturdy and hard-wearing. While possibly lacking in true refinement, the town bears a strength and sense of reliability. Roads are maintained, though not obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and filth. The smells are those of smoke and sawdust, leather and sweat.

City Surroundings

  • apple orchard
  • rabbit farm


Disposition: neutral

Population Density
Folk live here, but it would never be called bustling. Walking down the street, you'll typically only see a few people. A third of the town's population lives outside the walls.

Population Wealth
Around half the town struggles to carve out even a meager existence.

Visitor Traffic
Large groups of people regularly frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased.

Night Activity
Inns and taverns remain open perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may still be closed. If the town has a gate, it is kept open but guarded, ready to be closed if needed.

Law Enforcement
The watch is run by an appointed captain, with one lieutenant and enough guards to adequately guard key points in the town with token patrols.

Theft or mild violence can happen from time to time. Best to keep an eye out.



Notable Locations:

  • there's a nice park
  • and a pretty good cooper



Invisible, sticky hands at work? Many reports have surfaced of pickpockets, but none have been found.

Recordkeeper for the town doesn't truly understand how to execute the position.

The settlement has recently experienced a lot of bad weather, which is rumored to be divine punishment for some wrongdoing.


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