hello, i know i’ve made statements like this before but i’d just like to say that i’ll be quitting art—or rather, i just wont draw for a while. im starting to realize now that im very burnt out, i know i have so much owed art but i mentally and physically cannot bring myself to draw anymore. if i do ever feel like drawing, then i will do my best to work on my owed art, but for now, im very very sorry to those who i owe any sort of art, you have the right to beat me up about it.

i know this is so very sudden but my mental health is declining as of recent. alongside that, i’ve been struggling to draw at all these past days and at this point i just don’t want to do it at all anymore. i know art is the only thing i have going for me but i really just cant handle it anymore, im so sorry.

to add onto that, i think i’ve set my bar too high—i have way too many drawings i owe to other people and i barely ever draw anything for myself, and i have many personal projects i have been planning for a while now, but im unfortunately going to have to drop it all for a bit. but please understand me, i’ll do my best to get my shit together and work, for all of you, okay? 

and look, i don’t know if it’s artblock of just the insane level of jealousy i have towards other artists and their skills, but im extremely insecure about my art. i know i havent really expressed that to most people yet but it’s such an issue for me, and im sorry i really cant manage it. i hope that‘s understandable enough

but, to summarize up this shitshow of mine, my art will be on an indefinite hiatus until i can bring myself to draw again. thank you


>it’s okay!! take your time, and come back to creating art when you’re ready. don’t pressure yourself into doing owed art first thing when you come back, though. okay? 

love you neb!! /p

Very valid, while you’re on indefinite hiatus, remember to take care of yourself and also to be kind to yourself.

I hope you feel better soon !!! Please take care of yourself and it's alright to take a break because your physical and mental health is important <3

I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER, please take care of yourself (mentally and physically) like we all do. As always your artstyle is amazing and unique in their own way, its understandable if youre unsure about your art to others!!

Do what makes you feel comfortable outside of drawing while you recover from your burnout! we will always be waiting for you to feel better ^^


IM SO SORRY IF I MADE YOU FEEL PRESSURED ALL THE STUFF I SAID ABT OWED ART WAS A JOKE! Your mental and physical health is always above owed art

Whenever you get back into art I’d reccomend keeping a note on the note app (or make a TH character thats a list of owed art) and list all your owed art there and give yourself a limit of how much art you can make at a time ^^ IDK IF U ALREADY DO THIS 

For me it shows really how much art I have owed which helps me see if I should slow my roll on offering art / customs (even if you keep good track of owed art in your head its helpful for me personally) Also another thing I was thinking of doing is forcing myself to not draw 1-2 day(s) of the week everyweek so i don’t get burnt out so thats a thing you could consider too (or atleast not draw owed art 1-2 days of the week)

SORRY FOR YAPPPING all things aside just do whatever makes you most comfortable!

I hope ypu feel better soon, i dont think you understand in any way how absaloutly fantastic your art is though, like ur genuinly one of my favorite artists man

Its about time u realize u offer a shit ton though lmao, ima send u the stuff i have pending over to ya, dw abt the art at all, and try n make smthn for yourself when ur up to it man <3