Murder Mystedy RP - Pings!

Posted 27 days, 12 hours ago by star_gone

Since we’re nearing the summer when it’ll be released I’ll be taking pings for its release!!:D

Server info: -you don’t need to rp to join! You’re free to just observe and chat

-DND based! However you don’t need any prior experience with DND and everything will be explained -uses rolls for things like fighting or using special abilities

-For now it’s a one time thing, however if it gets popular then I’ll host more in the future!

-Will have several events! Even if you don’t have a role at the start you may be able to obtain one

-Unlimited ocs!

Rp info: -warrior cats based murder mystery!

Murder Mystery roles - Murderer, murderers accomplice (plots w/ the murderer, and potentially takes their place), detective, witness, victim, mime (acts suspicious, wins if they get exiled!), seer (gets visions from the victims w/ hints), soulmates (if one dies so does the other!)

*The roles are ALSO called:* The Dagger, The Talons, The Crow, the witness, the victim, the mimic, the sight, the soulmates

The rp will be set sometime in summer!! It’ll end whenever the murderer and the accomplice are exiled (…or killed)


I'd adore a ping for when this opens!! Heheh <33 

Aaah I want to join! 

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LET ME IN!!!!!!!!!
