Scammer posing as me /imp

Posted 30 days, 8 hours ago by DunkleJesse

So um. holy shit, actually, i never thought i'd have to make a bulletin like this--but today bee and i found out that someone made a fake toyhouse account posing as me and effectively scammed people by telling them they won the jester vtuber adopt bid. it would appear they used a capital i to serve as the l and copied my pfp and everything, so it was near impossible to tell it wasn't me contacting them :(

the account is closed now, but i am SO incredibly sorry to those who were contacted/scammed by this user. they contacted various previous bidders telling them they won when that wasn't the case.

going forward (specifically for the vtuber adopts), mchoneybee is the one who handles all the payment info and transactions. we share a paypal account, and it will NEVER be me contacting the winners. we also will never ask for f&f payments, as that lacks buyer protection--so always insist on paying through business so you can file a chargeback if someone scams you like this. also be sure to keep an eye on the official post for the adoptable, as the bidding will always be updated there and bee will have responded to the winner announcing that they won!! she or I will never contact through dms first.

in the case of my own adoptables, i'll always respond through comment first. don't trust any paypal accounts that don't have bee's name attached or use any language other than english.

again, i'm so sorry to those who were affected by this 😭 i had zero idea there was someone going around posing as me, which is honestly horrifying, especially because you wouldn't have known it wasn't me unless you looked at the account. bee has also been using discord for sending the vtubers to the winners, so if you have that it might be safer to go that route than through toyhouse dms.

EDIT: the paypal the scammer used was [email protected] 


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Gross I can't believe people are doing that to you and the people who like your stuff Disgustang

THATS INSANE WTF?? thats so low of someone to do. Scammers are such cowards.

this is happening across a bunch of platforms rn!!! pls don't ever send money without double checking on who you're sending it to!!! reach out on another platform to of artist, check comments, etc, to make sure it's real!!

That's fucking crazy, I'm really sorry for you and all the people who got scammed. I wish you guys the best!

This is incredibly awful and I hope those who got scammed get their money back!! So sorry this happened you and bee :c

Holy shit Jesse you made it :O your so cool people are using your name to scam people 

In all seriousness that is such shit behavior for someone to do, I’m glad the account got closed, hope they didn’t do any damage and failed at scamming others 

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I was actually dm’d a different email which was [email protected] 




oh no, that's the scammer that's apparently been going around doing this to a lot of people--i'm so so sorry to hear this ;-; i really hope you're able to get the money back... seeing someone impersonate/scam like that and pretend to be all friendly and personable at the same time is honestly disturbing as hell. if there's anything i can do to help with the process please lmk!!

Thank you so much but I don’t think there’s much to do since it charged me as friends and family when I never chose that option. I’ll have to go to my bank tomorrow morning since it’s across my campus but I appreciate it so much! Hopefully I can get this money back.

Sorry to bother but could you make a statement saying that you’re the host and acknowledge the scam? I’m going to the bank tomorrow and they will most likely ask for any evidence. 

of course!! does something like this work?

as the host of the jester vtuber bid, i did not contact ManiacMadison saying they won or give them any payment details. a scammer using a similar username privately messaged both them and others in my place saying they won and demanding payment without my permission

Yeah! That will work, hopefully my bank will understand ^^ 

i hope so too, lmk if everything works out okay!! ;o; if you're able to get your money back, the vtuber is still yours if you want it c:

13 Replies

Oh no that's actually horrible ... I'm glad you guys at least found this out before more people could get scammed by them ><"

god that's awful, i'm really sorry this happened to you. you're the third or fourth person i follow who's been impersonated in the past couple weeks, which is crazy. i'm glad their account was closed at least

NOOOO THEY GOT YOU 😭😭😭 it's unfortunately an issue that's keeps occuring as of recent, especially with bids of higher value. It's good the account is gone already but more come up seemingly every day 😢

I'm not sure if it's the same person but there's been a thread discussing the problem that *is* being done by one person

i double checked just now and it looks like it's a different person, as they used a different paypal and messaged solely through dms rather than comments--should i add the paypal to the bulletin so people can avoid it? :0 i didnt think about doing that vjvkhg

Yes, I think that's a good idea!! I also think you should maybe leave the PayPal address in the service thread so people know to avoid that one as well 

good idea!! i added it to the bulletin just now, but i'll have bee leave a direct link in the thread. tysm for the info!!!

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jesus christ that's disgusting, thank you for letting me know omg. ;-; the shit people do with their lives...

Unfortunately it's happening to a handful of people. :(

oh geez, i had no idea ;o; though it looks like that's a different scammer, as this one used a different paypal/contact method. still pretty horrifying, good god

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holy shit! thats so insane i'm so sorry that happened!!! :^0