Commissions open

Posted 29 days, 6 hours ago by Californication

have just finished A&P school this week, I'm about to leave on a week long trip on the 11th (to work my ass off for free) but since my classes are over and after I get back I will have much more free time, I feel more comfortable posting this. next couple months I'm going to be working on getting certificated and also getting a new job (whether temporary or actual career) but earning any  money will be helpful and also I'm hoping to at least get out there  a little more art wise, I'm not totally sure how to do it, hoping commissions can help with that but its kind of a circle isn't it cause people have to know you to want to commission. but anyway thank you for reading and please let me know if you're interested. I'm literally so tiny artist so please lmk if something like prices are too much or something I don't mind talking about it cause I understand. thanks and hope you all are doing well


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