Reminder (IMPORTANT)

Posted 4 months, 9 days ago by Limezime

Reminder that if you support Israel in any way I want you to get the fuck off my page

Zionists are NOT welcome here. Israel is disgusting and the blood of many children and babies are on the governments hands.

I still can’t believe they let that fake country into Eurovision. Disgusting.

Also being anti Israel does not make you anti Jewish! I support Jewish people but HATE Zionism. Zionism is equivalent to nazism. If you use Palestine as a way to hate on actual Jewish people then you’re a bad person. Our enemy is Zionists, not Jewish people!!


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THATS INSAAAANE… gosh I’m so sorry you had to go thru that u would’ve done the same if I were in ur shoes bc WTF?? 

How is it now seen as POLITICAL to have a heart… zionists really don’t see Palestinians as people and it’s sickening. 

bro are there zionists on TH   imagine being both a furry and a genocidal freak ..... pick a struggle /j

/srs though the shit in gaza is horrific and anyone who supports that is crazy- like even if you're not into politics I'd really look into what's been happening (even if briefly) just so you don't fall for pro israel propaganda (which is EVERYWHERE in america). 

ALSO as you said zionism =/= all jewish ppl-- jewish people are not a monolith and trying to say they are is actually anti semetic ngl

I hope there aren’t… but ditto to everything you said I agree.

It’s not even about politics at this point it’s about standing up to genocide. Israel now has CONCENTRATION CAMPS!! THEY ARE NAZIS!!!

Oh and to add onto the Eurovision stuff the audience was booing and shouting Palestine but guess what? They added anti booing tech (I had no idea it was a thing), turned off the audience mics and added fake cheering on the tv edit… and yet somehow Israel  got 300+ votes… sounds insanely rigged to me.

Gross I can't believe they were let into eurovision nothing is sadder then going through my tiktok and seeing families in danger and crying and scared for their lives and it's sickening what they are doing 

Been donating to some small families and artist that need help getting out

Yeah I’m donating whenever I can!!

I also heard that the Israel staff were going behind the scenes to harass and make fun of the other acts??? Like wtf? I heard this second hand so maybe it’s wrong but I would not be surprised :/

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Yepppp :T despite the fact that they disqualified Russia bc of Ukraine… ig genocide only matters when it’s white ppl /sarcasm 

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Disgusting. Makes me sick :[

im pretty pissed israel managed to even get into the grand final (which im currently watching. rooting for my home country of ireland!!! fuck israel!!!)

I’m hoping Ireland win as well, fantastic performance, trans rights and pro Palestine!! Let’s fuckin go Ireland!




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And I agree with your last paragraph - Jewish people =/= Zionist! Please do not associate them with the scum of the earth who condone genocide (sayin it like it is)

A lot of Jewish ppl and even auschwitz survivors are pro Palestine and anti Israel! It’s always so important to remember that