The 7ds / deadly hivemind tumblr blog has officially gone public!

(banner drawn by me, nuclearpowerreactor , unthinkableHonker and Superpurplegirl54321!)

if youre as crazy for drac (ic) as i am, youre gonna fuckin love this.

this blog includes a one time chance to interact with our gay little OC's

we have literally been working on these characters for years now its actually insane. it took 3 hyperfixation periods, like a million rp sessions, and an unreasonable amount of caffeine to get here- but theyre finally like.. done! prrresentable and ready to rumble and talk to strangers on the internet >3<

(pls pls pls check it out i will go crazy pleeeease pls i know at least one tumblrina is seeing this)


i love tumblrinas :3c


heck yeah