New Webcomic Schedule
Sorry about this one;; I really need to adjust it for body sake.

M2MU - New page every 5-7days
Yesterday Once More - New Page every 5-7 days
Sword In Stone - A New Loresplosion comic!?! >:3c

Comics will be uploaded in odd/even format!
Hiatuses will happen occasionally which will often be followed by bursts of multiple page uploads!

Comissions will be worked on between the webcomic days!
Other media will be worked inbetween those days!
Same for personal arts if possible.


My hand has been acting up like a silly usb drive lately. but I sorta need to terrorize it? idk. Sometimes it gets terrorized and does wierd stuff which is pretty interesting! My neurologists apparently got an interesting reading from it so it's gonna help other patients in the future with this strange sickness <33