
Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by tobiskunk

May be slowing down my account again

I won’t state publicly why I looked this up-

But it really bothers me there’s only one moderator on here- 


There's a singular mod in the entirety of Toyhouse? :0

Yea apparently?
or one working on the tickets alone, regardless it’s concerning ,  my boyf got falsely banned twice(arguably not the second time) over a situation that happend ages ago off site,(I know this counts as public ally talking about it, I just mostly didn’t want it on the main post)

I was wondering why it was barely looked into and that’s why. 

I really want to file alts to this website cause a website that has been open for over a decade has no excuse for that kinda stuff ya kno 

Yeesh, sounds like they're bad at moderating.


I don’t have to go anywhere but it just feels wrong being here without him- 

that’s mad silly for there to be 1 mod on this site, but take ur time on this ^^!

I agree, 

There should be at least 20 there’s thousands of users on here and it pisses me off that there isn’t more help

I already sent an email to them myself and he did too but I think I’m gonna keep doing it - even get annoying with it cause I don’t know if I’ll be spotted among the crowd of other emails