T.O.S Information

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by LUCID_LORE

        Hello, and welcome to my T.O.S Page.

                            •    T.O.S   •

    Please review my T.O.S before and after acquiring anything from me.

    • Do not heavily Reference, Copy, Inspire, Steal or Recreate my Characters, OCs, Backstories, Species, Adopts, Style, or Art. I would much prefer you not to claim anything aspect wise or literally on my Platforms/Socials, either.

    • This shouldn’t have to be said, but please do refrain from trying to make any sort of claims on designs of mine such as creating an original closed species off of any of my designs whatsoever. If operators I decide to make one with similar characteristics to your character, you may reach out to me and ask about it.  This may also includes characteristics from my designs/OCs that may be specific to Closed Species, my own personal one or an existing species. This IS considered a form of stealing. 

    • Please do not rush me on Commissions, Trades or Sales, I have a life outside of social media and my art, and I’d like to keep that separate as much as possible. I may give a bag reason for my absence or lack of progress, however I’m not obligated to. I don’t exactly have a turn around time, or a wait time, but please do keep in mind that I’m a functioning person of society that has other responsibilities. If you must know a time for any reason, I can try to give you a rough estimate; but I shouldn’t take any longer than a month at most. 

    • You may be asking about refundability, and as of right now, once the sketch stage has been confirmed, I will not allow refunds to be issued. For any reason that the buyer cancels the commission, I will be keeping 25% of the earnings...you waste my time, I will be keeping a fraction of the money..bare that in mind.

    • If you’re going to commission me for a custom, please visit my Commissions Carrd before you contact me. Make sure you know exactly what you’d like. If you don’t, then please reach out to me for any sort of inquiries; I will do my best to try and answer any questions/concerns. I do not want to have constant changing during the time of the commissions/customs.

      I do understand we forget some details, but if I notice quite a few changes when you’ve already asked for specific things, then I will take my right to either not change it and leave it for you to change yourself, or refuse the service. To prevent this, I will have a required template for you to fill out with different information necessary for the request, if I don’t think I can fulfill it, I will decline. 

    • I will take periodic breaks if I feel the need to do so, reasons may vary but will not always be disclosed. If this does happen, I do apologize, but this will extend the time necessary to complete my services for you. People are human, which does sometimes mean they need time for themselves. 

    •Do not disrespect my requests or rules, it’s not rocket science however unfortunately needs to be stated. This is unacceptable. Use your common sense. 

    • Do not sell an OC for more than what you purchased them for; the only exception: Art has been added to them prior to their resale. If you’re accepting a different currency, convert the currency they’re worth (USD $) to the currency you’re accepting! Yes, this includes online currency magically changing to $, €, etc. this will result in temporary or perhaps permanent blacklisting if the offense is severe enough. 


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